Eagle Lake has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Medicare Buz' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Eagle Lake had the highest popularity figure in February, 2017.

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Recent News
Adirondack Amble: Carving Curves in Upstate New York

[...] shadows along River Road. A satisfying stretch of State Route 74 runs along Paradox Lake and Eagle Lake, but a well-placed left after that keeps me east of main roads in favor of winding Corduroy [...]


How I Spent My Summer Vacation: August Road Trip Report

[...] at what was supposed to be the northeast edge of a fairly large body of water called Eagle Lake — but it appeared to have gone completely dry, presumably due to northern California’s [...]


Camping at last!

Camping at last!

[...] small towns so if we do run into a problem hopefully help won't be far. A few miles east of Eagle Lake we heard a sound. Yep. The downside of Hwy 90 is there is no shoulder and it passes through [...]


COA President hikes 40 MDI peaks in 27 hours

[...] popular one you can do. And I also really like North Bubble to Connor’s Nubble, which is by Eagle Lake and is less well-traveled. Did you have any memorable moments? On Great Hill, a redtail hawk [...]


Maine Rep. Lockman calls colleague “Ayatollah of Eagle Lake” in online rant

[...] . Photo- Troy R. Bennett, BDN. Martin has been known to some over the years as the “Earl of Eagle Lake” due to his extraordinarily long (and sometimes controversial) tenure in the legislature, but [...]


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