Eastern Grid Australia

Eastern Grid Australia has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel '"Mothers Against Wind Turbines™" Phoenix Rising…' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Eastern Grid Australia had the highest popularity figure in June, 2015.

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Recent News
The Absolute Futility of Wind Turbines for Electricity! Unreliable, Unaffordable, Unnecessary!

[...] “wind rush”: it currently has over 40% of the installed wind power capacity connected to the Eastern Grid (1,477MW out of the 3,669MW total). Since then, power prices have skyrocketed – and its [...]


If Supplying Clean, Dependable, Electricity, is the Problem, Wind is NOT the solution!

[...] in mind that the 30 wind farms covered by the data above are spread over 4 States. On the Eastern Grid Australia’s wind farms are spread from: Jamestown in the Mid-North, west to Cathedral Rocks on [...]


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