Florina has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'GreekReporter.com' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Florina had the highest popularity figure in October, 2016.

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Wave 14 Blind Bags listed on Entertainment Earth + Codes!

[...] Sky AP - Rainbow Dash AR - Lucky Clover AS - Amethyst Star AT - Beachberry AU - Plumsweet AV - Florina Tart AW - Perfect Pie AX - Apple Cinnamon AY - Golden Delicious AZ - Apple Cobbler [...]

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California responds to the Michael Brown verdict in Ferguson

[...] , and a verdict could have been rendered by a jury." 100 people gathered at a Sears store on Florin avenue. Protestors briefly blocked a 99 freeway on-ramp but peacefully left when Sheriffs told [...]


36 Hours in Athens with ‘New York Times’

[...] menu of Greek, Asian and macrobiotic dishes and a juice bar. Try the black-eyed pea patties with Florina sweet peppers (7 euros) and the Brama Briam panini (7.50 euros), with roasted eggplant, red [...]


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