Ginowan has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Defense Industry Daily' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Ginowan had the highest popularity figure in August, 2015.

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On the transfer of US military bases in Japan and Okinawa differ continue

[...] US Futenma base in Okinawa Ginowan City Tokyo … News Time Japan and the US military base in Okinawa Prefecture regional government [...]

News Time

US insists military bases will stay in Okinawa, despite opposition from locals, governor

[...] military presence in Japan The US Marine Corps’ Futenma Air Station in heavily populated Ginowan city has been a cause of tension between US servicemen and locals. Home to about 1 percent of [...]

Japan gets Okinawa approval for US Marine base move – Reuters

[...] barrier to eventually replacing the U.S. Marines Futenma air base in the crowded town of Ginowan. “The government has recently met our requests in compiling a plan to reinvigorate Okinawa. [...]

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