Jahannam has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Jaami'ah Darul Uloom Newcastle' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Jahannam had the highest popularity figure in May, 2015.

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?Location Mentions History
Recent News
The Importance Of The Month Of Sha’baan

[...] it is called ‘The Night of Bara’ah’ (i.e. the night wherein judgment of salvation from Jahannam (Hell) is passed). • Certain ahadith prove that it is a meritorious night in which the [...]


QnA on Salaah

[...] ;salaah haphazardly and for show, Allah SWT says destruction to themor a valley in Jahannam. Nabi Muhammad SAW has said, “A person who leaves out their salaah  [...]


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