Jamarat has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'The News Teller' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Jamarat had the highest popularity figure in September, 2015.

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Recent News
Haj Operators under pressure

[...] in Mina, namely Camp B and Camp C, the latter of which was approximately 2.8km away from the Jamarat. He said both camps had good services, although Camp B offered slightly better services. Malek [...]


50 Laws pertaining to hajj

[...] is Sunnat. Hadhrat Imaam Shaafi (R.A) says Wuqoof-e-Muzdalifa, Tawaaf Ziyaraat and Ramee of big Jamaraat all start from the latter half of the night of Nahr. 28. If someone left Muzdalifa after [...]


Giant Holiday Inn for Hajj pilgrims

[...] Road, the new Holiday Inn will be 3.5km from the Haram, 3.5 kilometres from Mina, 1km from Jamarat, 6.4km from Mouzdalifah and 14.5km from Mount Arafat. Pascal Gauvin, IHG’s chief [...]


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