Kashmir has been mentioned more than a thousand times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Kashmir Glory' where it has more than a thousand mentions. As seen in the chart below, Kashmir had the highest popularity figure in November, 2016.

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Recent News
A revealing insight into political criminality and warmongering—Part 1

[...] thousands of Britons of Pakistani descent, and later became active against Indian forces in Kashmir. Kashmir has now become a major flashpoint that could trigger a war between two nuclear-armed [...]


SpyDer-SR LL-QRM/QR-SAM Deliveries Have Begun, Aerostat-Mounted EL/M-2083s To Follow Next

[...] be the IAF, which will use the SpyDer-SRs to defend its six air bases spread throughout Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab and Haryana. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) had approved the IAF’s requirement in [...]



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