Kennacraig has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'For Argyll' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Kennacraig had the highest popularity figure in August, 2016.

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Recent News
Roll with it: hire a campervan

[...] all that. Southend, at the, umm, south end of the peninsula is a joy to behold. Head back up to Kennacraig for the voyage to Islay, home to eight whisky distilleries. The final hop takes you to the [...]

Remote Islay holds a treasure of Scottish lore and whisky

[...] a bus that runs from Glasgow to Kennacraig. If you’re bringing a car to Islay, be sure to book a spot on the ferry ahead of time. Stay: [...]

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