Lake Sandoval has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Peru Golden Treks' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Lake Sandoval had the highest popularity figure in June, 2014.

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Rajasthan Tours-Marveled With Prime Tourist Destinations

[...] wildlife that lives in the surrounding jungle. The perfect place for snapping a few photos, Lake Sandoval is absolutely stunning, and is a must-see during your time in the Amazon. Well-marked trails [...]

Latest Blogs

The Best of Peru 14D/13N

[...] hotel for overnight. Meals Included: Breakfast and lunch DAY 10: Cusco/ Puerto Maldonado / Lago Sandoval Lake Breakfast. Transfer to the Airport to board your flight to Puerto Maldonado. At arrival, [...]

Peru Hike & Amazon 14D/13N

[...] hotel for overnight. Meals Included: Breakfast and lunch DAY 10: Cusco/ Puerto Maldonado / Lago Sandoval Lake Breakfast. Transfer to the Airport to board your flight to Puerto Maldonado. At arrival, [...]

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