Lamongan Regency

Lamongan Regency has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Mobile Phone Companies' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Lamongan Regency had the highest popularity figure in January, 2016.

Recent News
Telkomsel Indonesia: Free Calls 300 Minutes by ACE Plan

[...] Send 1 SMS, free SMS to fellow TELKOMSEL 990 + 10 free SMS to other operators Hove, Pasuruan, Lamongan, Jombang, Bojonegoro, Kediri, Kediri municipality, Sidoarjo, Ngawi, Malang, Gresik, Mojokerto, [...]

Telkomsel Indonesia: Extra Powerful Package by ACE Plan

[...] , Indramayu, Subang. Java except Pasuruan Pasuruan, Jombang, Pacitan, Hove, Blitar, Blitar, Lamongan, Madura. Rp 3,500 200 minutes 50 minutes 3 Cianjur, Indramayu, Subang. Sumatra except [...]

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