Mathabeng has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'IndustrySA' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Mathabeng had the highest popularity figure in June, 2014.

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Recent News
R460-million for housing for Marikana miners

[...] focus on the mining areas of Motlosana, Emalahleni, Sekhukhune, Lephalale, West Rand and Matjhabeng. At the same time, the government would pressure mining companies to meet their Mining [...]


Women fight for chieftainship

[...] ;Maletlatsa Masupha attempting to remove her late son Letlatsa Masupha’s widow, ‘Mathabeng Masupha, from the throne. ‘Mathabeng took over the chieftainship as her late husband’ [...]

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