Mount Yōtei has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Travel | The Guardian' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Mount Yōtei had the highest popularity figure in September, 2016.

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[Video] Things to do in Niseko

[...] Niseko is situated at the base of a dormant volcano — Mount Yotei, and next to one the most beautiful rivers in Japan — the Shiribetsu River and, as such, is [...]

A Two-Week Getaway: Experiencing Winter in Japan

[...] ski trails, most resorts offer winter activities such as trail skiing, helicopter tours of Mt. Yotei, the volcano seen from the slopes Niseko, day-trips to the hot springs and buses into the [...]

STMBKK, Neverblue Roadshow & Other Travels

[...] to catch some good runs though and I’ll definitely be back mid-season to catch some fresh POW! Mt. Yotei in the background is a dormant Volcano I met and mingled with affiliates who were living in [...]

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