Playa Guiones has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Costa Rica Star news, current events, noticias de Costa Rica' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Playa Guiones had the highest popularity figure in January, 2016.

?Location Mentions History
Recent News
Ministry of Health Could Temporarily Close Public Pools in Costa Rica

[...] and worry for some business owners. For example, Joellen Hughes, owner of the Gilded Iguana in Guiones in the district of Nosara, commented that the Ministry of Health is asking for several changes, [...]

Horse Ride in Esperanza Fiestas to Raise Money for Vertical Rescue

[...] . The tour will travel through several different parts of the Nosaran countryside, such as Playa Guiones and Garza. Carlos Villalobos, head of the Red Cross in Nosara, explained that the funds raised [...]

Six Boats with Hundreds of Sea Cucumbers Found at Playa Guiones

[...] barrels. Later, the subjects proceeded to cook the product on the island located in front of Playa Guiones, according to Carlos Villalobos, chief of Nosara’s Red Cross, who immediately reported [...]

Nosara Will Raise Its Blue Flag in 2013 Ecological Festival

[...] the office of the Nosara Public Force and the Serapio Lopez school. Currently, Playas Garza, Guiones, and Pelada have the environmental distinction, along with six homes and three schools in the [...]

Environmental Court Orders Nosara Costa Rica Dump to Close

[...] a sufficient amount of materials to cover the cost of the truck, which is collecting items from Guiones and Playa Pelada from Dos Lorenas in the town of Esperanza to the Nosara river mouth on [...]

MINAE Authorized Opening Road Between Cacho´s Surf and Nosara Travel

[...] former Hotel Villaggio that also goes to the refuge, providing people easier access to Playa Guiones from Garza. Julio Lopez, municipal engineer, confirmed that the mayor’s office [...]

Three Top Nature Tours to do in Nosara, Costa Rica

[...] and Pacific Green sea turtles come to Playa Ostional, Playa Nosara, Playa Pelada and Playa Guiones every year to lay their eggs. Founded in 1984, the Ostional Wildlife Refuge in Costa Rica is [...]

Electrocuted Female Sloth Improves in Costa Rica

[...] Monos. The problem, however, is not the power lines: “Most of the power lines in the Playa Guiones area have been exchanged for the insulated type but now the monkeys and other arboreal [...]

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