Ponsonby has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Discounted Hotel Rooms' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Ponsonby had the highest popularity figure in July, 2016.

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Recent News
Is Buying Apartments Off the Plans Too Expensive?

[...] of it and so this is where I point to your off the plan stock on Hopetown just off Ponsonby. Heritage residences and all that kind of thing. This is your Tarawera stock and it’s [...]


Today in history January 19

[...] of the Light and third divisions to storm Ciudad Rodrigo. 1833: Charles Darwin reaches Straits Ponsonby, Fireland 1839 : Aden conquered by British East India Company 1883: The first electric [...]



Beautiful, Hospitable, Unpredictable New Zealand

[...] up to Victoria Park Market for a coffee. After my second, I climbed up Franklin Road and into Ponsonby. There were dozens and dozens of coffee shops, (can you see a pattern emerging in this part of [...]



Smashbox's Santigolden Age Collection -My first launch event!

[...] crystals and a limited-edition shade of Be Legendary Lipstick hidden inside. Off we went to Ponsonby, the Smashbox Concept Store. It's small but stocked! and the ladies are lovely...not to mention [...]


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