Prison Hospital of Tirana

Prison Hospital of Tirana has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Ghana Latest News' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Prison Hospital of Tirana had the highest popularity figure in February, 2015.

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Recent News
Shahsi transferred to Prisons hospital

[...] former Minister Wimal Weerawansa’s wife Shashi, from the private hospital in Malabe to the Prison Hospital. On a motion filed by the Prisons Department, the Magistrate also directed the prison [...]

Our Lanka

J. B Danquah’s Letter To Kwame Nkrumah From Prison Source: Graphic Online

[...] and my life endangered by various diseases without being allowed to be taken to the Prison Hospital for continuous observation and treatment… I am now left in a prison cell at the Special Block [...]

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