Sarikei has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel '' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Sarikei had the highest popularity figure in October, 2016.

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Sarawak Laksa Mukbang – eating the entire menu!

[...] of the best things about Invisalign, the fact that you can take them off. I’m going to Sarikei tomorrow to do one on Glory Cafe’s Tom Yam Big Prawn Noodles in a Coconut. I’m just [...]

Bintangor: Famous Bintangor rojak, Bintangor orange juice and river travels!

[...] only by river. We thought about dropping by the last time she was here but went directly to Sarikei instead. Her parents were in town and I thought they’ll enjoy the small town vibe so I drove all [...]

Happy blogniversary – 13 years of!

[...] My better half came down to Sibu again to spend our anniversary together and I drove her down to Sarikei with my dad in tow to eat the famous Tom Yam Big Prawn Noodle served inside a whole coconut and [...]

Chee Keong & Mei Sze’s wedding @ Summer Palace

[...] it around. There was a RM 60 PNG (Papua New Guinea) sea cucumber promotion at Glory Cafe in Sarikei when we went but I was too full to order it. The sea cucumber here is done well, thickly [...]

Tom Yam Big Prawn Noodles served inside a coconut for RM 33

[...] Behold! This Coconut Tom Yam Big Prawn Noodle is the latest innovation from Glory Cafe in Sarikei and it’s *really* served inside a coconut. I’ve been eating their famous tom yam spin on big [...]

8 photos from our road trip to Sarikei

[...] 1. Big Sarikei Pineapple There’s a new twin statue of the iconic Sarikei pineapple in the older part of town! This is the “unripe” version, it’s green instead of yellow. [...]

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