Silicon Savannah

Silicon Savannah has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'The Latest Jobs in Kenya :: Kenyan Jobs Website' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Silicon Savannah had the highest popularity figure in November, 2016.

Recent News
Konza Techno City Procurement Assistant

[...] expanding Kenya’s technology focused industries. It is envisioned to be the Africa’s Silicon Savannah. KoTDA therefore invites ambitious, self-motivated and dynamic individuals to [...]

Konza Techno City Quantity Survey Assistant Manager

[...] expanding Kenya’s technology focused industries. It is envisioned to be the Africa’s Silicon Savannah. KoTDA therefore invites ambitious, self-motivated and dynamic individuals to [...]

Konza Techno City Legal Manager

[...] expanding Kenya’s technology focused industries. It is envisioned to be the Africa’s Silicon Savannah. KoTDA therefore invites ambitious, self-motivated and dynamic individuals to [...]

Konza Techno City Procurement Manager

[...] expanding Kenya’s technology focused industries. It is envisioned to be the Africa’s Silicon Savannah. KoTDA therefore invites ambitious, self-motivated and dynamic individuals to [...]

Konza Techno City Business & ICT Development Director

[...] expanding Kenya’s technology focused industries. It is envisioned to be the Africa’s Silicon Savannah. KoTDA therefore invites ambitious, self-motivated and dynamic individuals to [...]

Fallacies of entrepreneurship

[...] I've been involved in the so-called 'Silicon Savannah' to varying degrees since almost the beginning of this incarnation of the tech/software [...]

Musings on the on the 'Silicon Savannah': Past, Present & Future

[...] on the continent. Much has led to today’s ‘Silicon Savannah’. Beginning roughly in 2008 when seemingly overnight the country was connected via undersea [...]

AFRICA INVESTMENT-African tech start-ups dream of Silicon Savannah

[...] service that saves users up to 60 percent of costs and a mobile gaming company. "SILICON SAVANNAH" Nicknames like "Silicon Savannah" are starting to crop up in reference to [...]

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