Sparwood has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Revelstoke Current' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Sparwood had the highest popularity figure in January, 2017.

?Location Mentions History
Recent News
Introducing Teravail Tires

[...] to prefect a product from scratch, after testing their gravel tires on the Dirty Kanza and the Sparwood on the Tour Divide, they are finally ready to announce their brand to the world. The Galena 32c [...]

Tour Divide Stories: Day 1-7

[...] wet we would get throughout the entire ride. Between the rain falling especially hard outside of Sparwood and the ridiculous descent off of Flathead Pass it was quite the day. The road, which is [...]

Great Divide Mountain Bike Route – Brewery Edition

[...] a great way to start the trip. The route makes its way through the small towns of Elkford and Sparwood before reaching Roosville and the United States. The stunning scenery in Canada can make paying [...]

2nd Western Canada Power Cruise–The Wettest Road Trip Ever

[...] like it would snow. Most of the tour stopped in Blairmore for lunch, but Dan and I drove on to Sparwood, BC, to view the world’s largest Titan 33-19 truck. The one and only truck was built in 1978 [...]

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