Taylor has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'SimCity - Recent changes [en]' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Taylor had the highest popularity figure in January, 2017.

?Location Mentions History
Recent News
On the Hunt For the Best BBQ in Austin and Everything You Should Know About it

[...] for barbecue for many years. Three places to try: Kreuz Smitty’s Blacks The second spot is in Taylor, Texas: Louie Mueller Barbecue, they put BBQ on the map along with the Lockhart places and it has [...]


2014 UFOs: UFO Sighting in Taylor, Michigan on September 27th 2014 - I was sitting outside and I seen a bright white/blu...

[...] UFO Sighting in Taylor, Michigan on September 27th 2014 - I was sitting outside and I seen a bright white/blue light [...]


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