Torit has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan' where it has more than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Torit had the highest popularity figure in January, 2017.

Recent News
KIM GATKUOTH DUACH: Nuer Leaders Are too Adamants to Safeguard the Dignity of Tribesmen.

[...] to self-determination; citizens were so exuberant and ready to fight back the unionist SPLM-Torit faction, should they resist this call this time around. Truly Garang didn’t give a damn to accept [...]

Kiir Disolves South Sudan States Establishes 28 States to “Decentralise” The Government

[...] state will cease to exist according to his decree. a) Equatoria Based States: 1 Imatong state (Torit) 2 Namunyong state(Kapoeta ) 3 Maridi state (Maridi) 4 Amadi state (Mundri) 5 Budwei state (Yambio) [...]

Cholera Outbreak Kills 33 People in Juba

[...] of water systems,” Gegic continued. Donkey carts rush to collect the precious liquid in Torit from the emergency water treatment plant (in the background) set up by the ICRC and South Sudan [...]

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