Tua Pek Kong Temple

Tua Pek Kong Temple has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Remember Singapore' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Tua Pek Kong Temple had the highest popularity figure in November, 2015.

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TSDayout : Sarawak Sunset River Cruise

[...] monument to honor the late Charles Brooke and the oldest Chinese temple in Kuching, Tua Pek Kong Temple. The stunning building - Dewan Undangan Negeri with great weather after the haze fiasco [...]


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[...] . In 1923, a wealthy businessman called Chia Cheng Ho built a Taoist temple to dedicate to Tua Pek Kong (or Da Bogong 大伯公), also known as the God of Prosperity to the Chinese, and Guanyin, the [...]


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