USIU Kenya has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Jobs in Kenya 2014 | career Vacancies in Kenya 2014 | Recruitment Kenyan ...' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, USIU Kenya had the highest popularity figure in July, 2014.

Recent News
Police officer defiles minor and threatens her family in Bondo

[...] Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - A family in Usigu, Bondo Sub-County wants the Government to protect them after a police officer who defiled their [...]

Top 10 Private Universities in Africa

[...] the USIU network of Universities under the main body, Alliant International University, USIU Kenya stands out as Africa’s 5th best private university. Considering the major collaborations [...]

Job in Nairobi Kenya 2014 at USIU Administrative Assistant

[...] Job in Nairobi Kenya 2014 at USIU Administrative Assistant   The United States International University-Africa is the leading international university in East and Central Africa catering to [...]

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