Victoria Principal

Victoria Principal has been mentioned less than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'We Love Soaps' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Victoria Principal had the highest popularity figure in April, 2015.

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Recent News
Dave’s Five Worst Character Kill Offs in Television and Film History

[...] JR’s younger brother Bobby, played by Patrick Duffy, and his wife Pamela, played by Victoria Principal. Bobby and Pam’s turbulent, on again, off again relationship became absolutely [...]

Court to be filled through interview for Vacancies

[...] courts in the district will be held for four days from April 18 – 21. D. Jayachandran, Principal District and Sessions Judge, told presspersons here on Friday that 54 posts of senior bailim, junior [...]


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