Warrap has been mentioned more than a hundred times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan' where it has more than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Warrap had the highest popularity figure in January, 2017.

Recent News
Malong the Polygamist General Who Wields Real Power in South Sudan

[...] and training men into this new fighting force. Some members originated from Kiir’s home state of Warrap, but the majority were from Malong’s Northern Bahr El Ghazal. Malong was trying to position [...]


Response to the Statement of the so-called “Eastern Nile State Political Activists” of the Ngok Dinka in Upper Nile Stat...

[...] in Renk in northern Upper Nile state. Their other tribesmen and clans, particularly the Rek in Warrap and Awiel, the present Jieng power house, vaguely were aware of their existence until the power [...]


EDITORIAL: Two Year On. Remembering The Juba Massacre South Sudan: A Nation Torn Apart by the Blood of the Innocents

[...] afternoon. Tiger battalion are believed to be around 10,000 soldiers with Dinka mostly from Warrap and Lakes State making more than 70% of them. After the Nuer guards and soldiers were no more in [...]


Kiir Disolves South Sudan States Establishes 28 States to “Decentralise” The Government

[...] state, Western Equatoria State, Upper Nile State, Lakes State, Northern Bhar El Ghazal state and Warrap state will cease to exist according to his decree. a) Equatoria Based States: 1 Imatong state ( [...]


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