Westminster Hall

Westminster Hall has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'World news | The Guardian' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, Westminster Hall had the highest popularity figure in February, 2017.

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Recent News
Trump Blocked From Speaking In UK Parliament's Westminster Hall For "Racism And Sexism"

[...] the US President permission to speak in the 11th Century Westminster Hall […] [...]


The World’s Most Haunted Cemeteries: Part I

[...] still audible and they apparently linger in their heads for some time. Nestled just below Westminster Hall, which is also believed to be haunted, this spooky cemetery has often been referred to as [...]


All Party Parliamentary Group on Yemen launches crisis report

[...] NGOs that provided evidence in attendance – and was followed by a Parliamentary debate in Westminster Hall. We were particularly pleased to ... The post All Party Parliamentary Group on Yemen [...]


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