White Palace has been mentioned more than a dozen times throughout the RSS channels we monitor. This location appears to be especially popular on the channel 'High Time to Awake' where it has less than a dozen mentions. As seen in the chart below, White Palace had the highest popularity figure in April, 2016.

?Location Mentions History
Recent News
Antichrist checklist

[...] largest palace in the world for himself in Turkey’s capital city of Ankara. It is called the “White Palace”. It sits on top of the highest hill overlooking Ankara. The White Palace is built in a [...]


What is Erdogan up to?

[...] . The White Palace is built in a preserved area of land that was dedicated to Suleyman Shah the grandfather of [...]


Tibet Lhasa Tour

Tibet Lhasa Tour

[...] Palace is composed of 2 outstanding parts, the Red Palace located high in the center and the White Palace located at the both wings. The Red Palace, also called Potrang Marpo, is fully devoted to [...]


Erdogan is honoring the God of forces in his palace!

[...] of the old Ottoman Empire! In February 2015 Erdogan announced that he will rename the “White Palace” as the “Presidential Kulliye”. A kulliye is the name of the grounds surrounding a mosque. [...]


Tibet Lhasa City Tour

[...] Palace is composed of 2 outstanding parts, the Red Palace located high in the center and the White Palace located at the both wings. The Red Palace, also called Potrang Marpo, is fully devoted to [...]


Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is not the Antichrist

[...] largest palace in the world for himself in Turkey’s capital city of Ankara. It is called the “White Palace”. It sits on top of the highest hill overlooking Ankara. The White Palace is built in a [...]


Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is not the Antichrist

[...] largest palace in the world for himself in Turkey’s capital city of Ankara. It is called the “White Palace”. It sits on top of the highest hill overlooking Ankara. The White Palace is built in a [...]


Erdogan is honoring the God of forces in his palace!

[...] by the old Ottoman Empire! In February 2015 Erdogan announced that he will rename the “White Palace” as the “Presidential Kulliye”. A kulliye is the name of the grounds surrounding a mosque. [...]


Turkey elections June 7, 2015

[...] . The White Palace is built in a preserved area of land that was dedicated to Suleyman Shah the grandfather of [...]


Erdogan is honoring the God of forces in his palace!

[...] they are powerful enough, let them come and demolish it.” The palace is known as the “White Palace” and sits upon a hilltop overlooking Turkey’s capital city of Ankara. The White Palace [...]


3 Day Tour to Swat Malam Jabba

[...] Movie Night & Sky Lantrens Activity, in Swat Valley. Places Visited are, Fiza ghat, White Palace, Mengora, Malam Jabba, & Takht i Bahi Ruins. Below is the Video […] The post 3 Day Tour to [...]



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